

Vastu Element Water Body

Vastu Shastra Humans are not separate from nature but connected to earth as a part of an interconnected web of life. The element of nature act as a whole to create and maintain an energy — the force of life. An energy efficient environment attracts many benefits and more positive opportunities. Water element is one of the most strongest element of the Vastu Shastra. Water is what gives life on our planet. Without it, we would not exist. Water is the essence of life. Water has always been synonymous with authority as well as power. The effects of a water body in a home are amazing. Our bodies and mind welcome a cooling effect of the water.

During ancient times, water has been used as an elemental solution by the kings by placing their palaces near bodies of Water. If you look at world most capital cities today, they are either located near the water or have large rivers or lakes nearby. Majority of ocean-side and lake-side properties are usually more expensive. Water body near the house or business premises is a good placement because it keeps the energy flowing and prevents it rather from being “locked”. Its real essence speaks of movement and the flow of life.

Water is also related to income. Business brings in money. As per science fountain creates a positive environment as well. Water represents money.

Water fountain effects as per science

According to science flowing water change negative energy to positive energy

How to use fountain to gain benefit

  • When a person comes home from work and is stressed then after seeing the fountain feels happy and relaxed.
  • If the inflow of money is stopped then also a fountain can be kept in order to correct the money flow.
  • On the table in office if fountain is placed the it removes stress and gives power.
  • Water should be flowing in it without any stoppage.